On a First Glance at a New Voice for the Blind Greek

 So far have I walked in the realms of gold
    And tens of broad framed states and far lands seen,
    Round tens of isles to day's end have I been
 Which bards in fief of the Sun God hold.
 Oft of one wide free range had I been told
    That the wise blind Greek ruled as his own lair
    Yet I had not yet breath'd of its sweet air
 'Til I heard this voice speak so loud and bold.

 Then felt I like some seer who scans the skies
    When a fast new star swims soft by his own ken
 Or like the Sword of Spain when with keen eyes
    He faced the wide clear sea -- and all his men
 Looked each to each, with hope -- a great new prize,
   No words, they stood, and then thought not of gain.

                                -- John Keats
                                   (done by Rich Hort)
