The Bold Hot Sheep Guard to His Love

 Come live with me and be my love,
 And we will all the good things prove
 That vales down low, hills and fields,
 Woods, groves or steep peak yields.

 And we will sit on top the rocks,
 See the sheep guards feed their flocks,
 By bright mild brooks to whose whims
 Matched song birds sing three part hymms.

 And I will make thee beds that bloom
 And bunch on bunch picked fresh and sweet
 A cap of flow'rs, a laced up dress
 Stitched well closed with leaves of cress;

 A gown made of the best fine wool
 Which from our small fair lambs we pull;
 Neat lined slip shoes for the cold,
 Each with clasp of full pure gold;

 A belt of straw and green vine buds,
 With red stone clasp and blonde rock studs:
 And if these good things may thee move,
 Come live with me and be my love.

 The sheep guards' swains shall dance and croon
 For thy quick joy each May ere noon:
 If these good things thy mind may move,
 Then live with me and be my love.

                                -- Kit R. Lowe
                                   (done by sub_div)
