Big Cat

 Big cat big cat bright your flame
 In night's woods you roar no name
 What god's hands or what god's eyes
 First thought up your fierce fierce lines?

 In what deep sea, in what far skies
 First shone flames in your dark eyes?
 On what wings were thought your lines?
 What white palms burnt with your shines?

 And what joints there and what art
 Twist, mold, carve your fierce fierce heart?
 When your heart did start to beat
 What dread hand and what dread feet?

 What tool pounds, what tool binds?
 What flame burns deep in that mind?
 What flat stone and what dread grasp
 Does your fierce fierce claw dare clasp?

 When the stars threw down their spears,
 And that god wet us with tears,
 Did he take pride in his sham?
 Did he who made you make the lamb?

 Big cat big cat bright your flame
 In dark woods you roar no name
 What god's hands or what god's eyes
 First thought up your fierce fierce lines?

                                -- Will Blake
                                   (done by Tim R.)
